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VK выпустила отчёт по устойчивому развитию за 2022 год

Reading time2 min

VK опубликовала отчёт в области устойчивого развития за 2022 год. Компания также запустила ESG-портал, который посвящён ключевым для VK событиям за прошедший год в экологической, социальной и других областях, связанных с устойчивым развитием.

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Total votes 3: ↑2 and ↓1+4

Boosting Your Terminal Productivity: Shell GPT

Reading time1 min

As developers, we spend a significant amount of time in the terminal, executing commands, writing scripts, and trying to solve problems. But, how many times have you found yourself stuck, trying to remember the correct syntax or flag for a command, or spending hours looking for a specific code snippet?

sgpt "nginx default config file location" # -> The default configuration file for Nginx is located at /etc/nginx/nginx.conf.

sgpt "docker show all local images" # -> You can view all locally available Docker images by running: docker images

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Total votes 1: ↑1 and ↓0+1

Positive Hack Days 12 will be held in Gorky Park on May 19–20

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Following last year's cyberattacks, even previously laid-back people are now concerned about cybersecurity. That's why we decided to make the twelfth Positive Hack Days information security forum even more open and large-scale: it will be held at Gorky Park in Moscow on May 19 and 20, 2023. We've already started preparing for the event and are accepting applications from speakers. You can submit a talk topic until March 25.

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Total votes 5: ↑5 and ↓0+5

Mail.ru Cloud Solutions announces Mail.ru owned solution for automating Hybrid Cloud deployments based on AWS

Reading time2 min

Mail.ru Cloud Solutions (MCS) has launched a new solution to enable Russian companies, as well as international companies operating in Russia, to automatically deploy federated Kubernetes clusters simultaneously using Amazon Web Services (AWS)and MCS resources.

MCS will enable enterprise businesses operating in Russia to use hybrid cloud architectures across both providers. This solution will automate Kubernetes cluster management in MCS and AWS using Kubernetes Federation, which allows clients to deploy clusters simultaneously on MCS and AWS. The application management layer will be run within Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS).

MCS customers will be able to create a hybrid cloud with the help of a solution tested and meeting the standards of both providers. A VPN between two cloud infrastructures will be automatically provided by MCS to account for a secure communication channel, which increases federation security. The solution enables simple deployment of the federated Kubernetes clusters by automatic means.
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Total votes 15: ↑15 and ↓0+15