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UX testing: why it is important and how to conduct it

Level of difficultyEasy
Reading time4 min

UX testing is one of the most important parts of the UX design creation process for any software product. It helps to understand whether users are satisfied with the design and highlights its problematic areas that need to be fixed or improved. UX testing is an important part of the whole testing process - it helps to get beta-testers feedback to determine whether the product is comfortable for users and gives opportunity to improve problems and issues before moving on to the next stage of the development process. It also contributes to reducing the cost of development, as it is much cheaper to fix issues during the development process rather than after the release. Listed down below are 5 simple tips that can help perform UX testing in a proper and effective way.

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Total votes 1: ↑1 and ↓0+1

LeetCode, Hard++ (Acceptance 24%, Latest): 2867. Count Valid Paths in a Tree. DFS. O(n). Swift

Level of difficultyHard
Reading time2 min

The intuition is to employ a depth-first search (DFS) approach through the tree.

During each step in the traversal, we perform the following key calculations:

1. Determine the path that ends at the current node.

2. Compute two different subtree paths that traverse the current node.

3. Maintain an array that keeps track of the cases where paths contain either 0 or 1 prime number.

This method allows us to efficiently count the valid paths in the tree while considering the presence of prime numbers.

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Total votes 7: ↑2 and ↓5-1

LeetCode, Hard: 2818. Apply Operations to Maximize Score. Swift

Level of difficultyHard
Reading time4 min

Time complexityO(max(nums) * log(max(nums)) + n * log(n)). Accounting for computing prime scores, using the stack to compute next greater elements, and sorting the tuples.

Space complexityO(max(nums) + n). Considering the space required for arrays and the stack used for computation.

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Total votes 2: ↑1 and ↓10

LeetCode, Hard, last two problems: 2809. Min Time to Make Array Sum At Most x & 2813. Max Elegance of a K-Length Subseq

Level of difficultyHard
Reading time3 min

2809. Min Time to Make Array Sum: Efficient Swift solution, using dynamic programming, for minimizing time to reach a sum in arrays A and B. Time: O(n²), Space: O(n).

2813. Max Elegance of K-Length Subseq: Swift code for elegantly selecting unique k-length subsequences with profit and categories. Solution uses sorting and iteration. Time: O(nlogn), Space: O(n).

Github: https://github.com/sergeyleschev/leetcode-swift

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Total votes 1: ↑1 and ↓0+1

Redefining the VOD OTT Experience in 2023: A Glimpse into the Future of Digital Entertainment

Reading time3 min

In the rapidly evolving landscape of digital entertainment, the year 2023 has witnessed a profound transformation in Video On Demand (VOD) Over-The-Top (OTT) platforms. These platforms have redefined how audiences access and consume content, introducing cutting-edge technologies and innovative features that have revolutionized the entertainment industry.

Embracing Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)

In 2023, VOD OTT platforms have embraced AR and VR technologies to provide viewers with immersive and interactive experiences. Users can now step into virtual worlds, interact with characters, and actively participate in the content they are watching, transcending the boundaries of traditional passive viewing.

Imagine exploring an ancient civilization through the eyes of a protagonist, feeling the thrill of an adrenaline-pumping car chase, or even interacting with virtual avatars of celebrities and influencers. The integration of AR and VR into VOD OTT platforms has ushered in a new era of interactive and experiential entertainment.

Personalization: The Heart of the VOD Experience

Powered by advanced artificial intelligence (AI), VOD OTT platforms have taken personalization to new heights. By analyzing user behavior, preferences, and viewing habits, these platforms deliver tailor-made content recommendations, ensuring that viewers find exactly what they love without extensive searching.

This level of personalization ensures that users are presented with content that resonates with their tastes, creating a seamless and enjoyable content discovery experience. By removing the need for extensive searching, VOD OTT platforms have become the go-to destination for viewers seeking highly relevant and engaging content.

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Total votes 4: ↑4 and ↓0+4

LeetCode 2532 (Hard++, Extra Category, Amazon). Time to Cross a Bridge. Swift solution

Level of difficultyHard
Reading time5 min

Hard++, Extra Category.


Overflow checks have been taken into consideration. The maximum time to move a box is at most 4 * 1000 (four steps to move the box, each taking 1000 time). With at most 1e4 boxes, the total time is at most 4e7, ensuring the solution is safe.

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LeetCode 2801 (Hard, Acceptance 14.5%). Count Stepping Numbers in Range. DP. Handles large inputs (10^9 + 7)

Level of difficultyMedium
Reading time3 min

Given two positive integers low and high represented as strings, find the count of stepping numbers in the inclusive range [low, high].

A stepping number is an integer such that all of its adjacent digits have an absolute difference of exactly 1.

Return an integer denoting the count of stepping numbers in the inclusive range [low, high].

Since the answer may be very large, return it modulo 10^9 + 7.

Hard, Acceptance Level 14.5%.
Dynamic Programming (DP).
Efficiently handles large inputs (10^9 + 7).

Latest and Most Hardest Problem.

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6 Best Flutter Development Companies in the US 2023

Level of difficultyEasy
Reading time7 min
Understanding the world of Flutter app development can be a challenging endeavor, especially for business executives seeking to create top-notch mobile applications. When it comes to choosing a Flutter development company in the US, finding a reliable and proficient partner is crucial for the success of your app. A wrong choice could result in wasted resources and a subpar app that fails to meet user expectations.


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Total votes 3: ↑1 and ↓2-1

LeetCode 2790 (Hard). Maximum Number of Groups With Increasing Length. Solution of the day. O(N logN). Math

Level of difficultyMedium
Reading time3 min

Simple Swift Math Solution.

Time complexity: O(N logN).

The time complexity of this solution is dominated by the sorting step, making it O(N logN), where N is the length of the input array usageLimits. The rest of the operations involve simple arithmetic and comparisons, which take linear time. Therefore, the overall time complexity of the function is O(NlogN).

Only 10 lines of code.

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LeetCode 956 (Hard). Solution of the day. Tallest Billboard. Swift. DP

Level of difficultyHard
Reading time2 min

Solution of the day.
LeetCode 956 (Hard). Tallest Billboard.

The code uses dynamic programming to solve the problem. It maintains a dictionary dp, where the keys represent the possible height differences between the two billboards, and the values represent the maximum sum of heights achieved for each height difference.

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Total votes 3: ↑2 and ↓1+2

Array of weak in Swift

Level of difficultyMedium
Reading time2 min

In Swift, when working with objects, it’s important to manage memory correctly. One way to do this is by using weak references to avoid retaining objects too long and causing memory leaks. In this article, we will discuss how to create an array of weak references in Swift using a generic wrapper.

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Total votes 1: ↑1 and ↓0+1

How to Create a Color Picker in React Native

Level of difficultyEasy
Reading time2 min

React Native is a popular JavaScript library for creating mobile applications for both Android and iOS devices. One of the most useful components that you can use in React Native is a color picker. A color picker allows users to select a specific color from a range of colors. In this tutorial, we will show you how to create a color picker in React Native.

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Total votes 1: ↑1 and ↓0+1

SwiftUI & ChatGPT. The world is changing. Again

Level of difficultyEasy
Reading time4 min

Everything that follows from this point forward input prompts, followed by ChatCGP’s responses, complete with sample code in Swift.

> Hey ChatGPT, can you make a SwiftUI registration form with name, address and city fields?

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Total votes 5: ↑4 and ↓1+3

Swift 5.7: Regex. Shorthands for optional unwrapping. Unlock existentials for all protocols

Level of difficultyMedium
Reading time3 min

Swift 5.7: Regex. Shorthands for optional unwrapping. Unlock existentials for all protocols.

Shorthands for optional unwrapping. Improved type inference for complex closures. Better string parsing with Swift Regex. Creating a Regex with Regex literal. Creating a Regex using RegexBuilder. Unlock existentials for all protocols.

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Building your own CLI with Swift Programming Language

Level of difficultyEasy
Reading time5 min

Command-line interfaces (CLI) are a common way to use applications. In iOS, we usually use scripting languages like Bash or Ruby to build those CLIs and automate mundane tasks. The most popular CLI for app signing and build automation is, without a doubt, Fastlane, which was initially written in Ruby. Fastlane is a great tool, convenient and fairly easy to use, and a lot of effort came into building it.

However, there's a great chance you considered moving away from Fastlane to avoid learning Ruby and to lower the entry threshold for your developers. Setting up a Ruby environment could be quite tedious and require additional devs' expertise to write and support those scripts.

Explore how to build your own command line tools with Swift in this article.

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Total votes 2: ↑2 and ↓0+2

Main Challenges and Mistakes in Creating Your Design System

Reading time14 min

Design system creation and integration is a challenging and rather tedious task. It can simply the development process or make it even harder. Anton Polyakov, Project Management Director for Innotech’s Mobile Development Department shares his team’s experience to demonstrate the unforeseen challenges they encountered.

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Total votes 3: ↑3 and ↓0+3

WWDC22 hidden gems

Reading time6 min

For iOS developers, WWDC is always something of a New Year. We are presented with so many new products, and sometimes you can get lost in them. Most of my colleagues are trying to be in touch by watching “Platform State of Union” and all “What’s new” sessions. The event basically provides an opportunity to developers a glimpse of the features to expect from the software part. When Apple has a conference like this one, they want to make sure they have enough time to get everything done. In order to do this, they need to be able to work at their own pace and not worry about how long it will take them to get something done.

This means that if you have a small project, it may not be that important but once you move into larger projects with more people involved, every second saved can be worth several dollars in terms of money saved or profit made by the company. The platform tightly integrates programming languages, frameworks, and tools. Everyone gains when these three complement one another. Customers receive a consistent experience, such as scrolling that feels right every time. And developers may devote more time and attention to what distinguishes the app.

And it’s fine, you don’t need to spend so much time for this other unpopular stuff. However, in these, not-so-popular videos as couple of them may be called as “hidden gems” because of the content or a beautiful presentation/structure. Let me show couple of them!

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Total votes 2: ↑2 and ↓0+2

Startup story — how we pivoted mobile apps and business from «beauty Uber» to «beauty coworking»

Reading time9 min

Hi everyone! My name is Dmitrii Konstantinov and this is a personal story of experience and growth in a cozy startup. How we made a business pivot and adapted the server and mobile apps for it. What challenges did we face and how did we solve them.

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