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A rotorcraft with more than two rotors

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UAVCAN HITL UAV Simulator for PX4

Reading time2 min

Hi from RaccoonLab, a team of enthusiasts in field robotics! We want to share our true-HITL UAVCAN-based simulator for PX4.

We believe a unified UAVCAN bus for drone onboard electronics will become a mainstream approach shortly. Our simulator is already based on UAVCAN (in opposition to UART-MAVLINK) and emulates exactly the same messages as real UAVCAN-sensors.

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Total votes 2: ↑2 and ↓0+2

Tensodrone that do not break, and what does architecture, robotic manipulator and copter have in common

Reading time8 min
We had ten broken drones in a year, test flights twice a day, three PhDs in the team, a prototype of sushi sticks and a desire to find a way to stop hitting drones.

Very controversial, very unusual, very strange, but it works! At the intersection of architecture, collaborative robotics and unmanned aerial vehicles. 

Introducing: Tensodrone™.

Tensodrone is a multi-rotor UAV of a new design with collision protection, made on the principle of tensegrity. This approach allows for the combination of the protective cage and the airframe in one structure, increasing impact resistance with less weight. The project is a vivid example of the interaction of various teams of the Center for Competences of the National Technology Initiative in the field of «Robotics and Mechatronics» established at the Innopolis University in 2018.

Liza Alert: volunteers, who save lives

Reading time6 min

Liza Alert search-and-rescue team has existed for eight years. It’s a volunteer organization, the fellowship of the ones who care, that searches for missing people effectively collaborating with the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Liza Alert collects the entries on missing people; they conduct various educational events, search management and search operations themselves. The team isn’t involved in any business activities, doesn’t have a checking account and doesn’t accept monetary donations.

Mail.Ru has recently provided Liza Alert with a free platform for services, extensively used for search-and-rescue operations. We decided to talk to Sergey Chumak — the head of Liza Alert IT branch — about the work of the volunteer emergency response group and how high-tech solutions aid them.
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Total votes 36: ↑34 and ↓2+32

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